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Human Rights are Protected by Awareness

Human Rights Day is celebrated by the international community every year on 10th December. It is the day when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. René Cassin is considered the father of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are a set of principles related to equality and justice. They recognize our freedom to make choices about our lives and to develop our potential as human beings. To live a life free from fear, harassment or discrimination. The theme of Human Rights Day 2024 is ” Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now.,” which focuses on how human rights empower individuals and communities to build a brighter future.

Many countries around the world, including China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Myanmar, Afghanistan, etc., have been frequently reported to be violating human rights due to government policies, political repression, lack of freedom, and other reasons. Some of the countries that have not ratified or signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights include North Korea, Iran, and South Sudan. According to the Human Rights Index, the countries with the worst human rights violations in 2023 were North Korea, Eritrea, and Turkmenistan. The best countries with human rights are Estonia, New Zealand, and Sweden.

India, as the world’s largest democracy, has made significant progress in many areas, but has also faced significant human rights challenges. Some of the major human rights violations are related to political, social, and religious aspects, with violations often linked to internal conflicts, religious tensions, discrimination, and state response to marginalized groups. India ranks 109th out of 165 countries in the Human Freedom Index 2023. In India, the National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights Commissions, Human Rights Act, National Commission for Women, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, People’s Union for Civil Liberties, Lawyers Collective, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Amnesty International India, Indian National Bar Association, The Human Rights Watch, Social and Environmental Justice Initiative, etc. are some of the major organizations involved in the protection of human rights.

These organizations play a key role in protecting human rights in India by addressing violations. Many of them have worked with global organizations like the United Nations to push for stronger human rights protections and reforms. The protection of human rights requires a multi-pronged approach that includes efforts from governments, international organizations, civil society, and individuals. Strengthening the legal frameworks such as ratification and implementation of international treaties, drafting of national human rights legislation, establishment of an independent judiciary, etc. is necessary. Along with this, independent human rights institutions, international accountability, transparency and anti-corruption, freedom of expression, freedom of expression: , elimination of discrimination, promotion of equal opportunities, gender equality, right to health, right to education, right to adequate housing and livelihood, etc. should be provided.

Although the country has made progress in some areas, these systemic problems require significant attention, reform, accountability to ensure the protection of human rights for all citizens. Everyone, from government officials to ordinary citizens, has a role to play in creating a just and equitable society in protecting human rights. The work of human rights defenders and activists is crucial in holding governments and corporations accountable for violations and ensuring that the dignity and rights of all people are respected and protected.

accountability, transparency and anti-corruption, freedom of expression, freedom of expression: , elimination of discrimination, promotion of equal opportunities, gender equality, right to health, right to education, right to adequate housing and livelihood, etc. should be provided.

Although the country has made progress in some areas, these systemic problems require significant attention, reform, accountability to ensure the protection of human rights for all citizens. Everyone, from government officials to ordinary citizens, has a role to play in creating a just and equitable society in protecting human rights. The work of human rights defenders and activists is crucial in holding governments and corporations accountable for violations and ensuring that the dignity and rights of all people are respected and protected.

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