Actress Pragya Jaiswal, who is known for her roles in Telugu films such as ‘Nakshatram’ and ‘Akhanda’ recently embarked on an adventurous journey to Finland. While exploring the beautiful Nordic country, the actress indulged in an ice bath that left her feeling exhilarated and rejuvenated.
Sharing the details of her experience on Instagram, Pragya emphasised greatly on the immense health benefits of ice baths and the sheer magic of the experience.
Pragya Jaiswal is an Indian actress and model who predominantly works in Telugu films. She made her acting debut in 2014 with the Tamil-language film Virattu in 2014. Jaiswal had her breakthrough with the Telugu period drama Kanche, for which she was awarded the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut – South.
In a video on her social media, Pragya Jaiswal documented. Her plunge into an ice bath in Finland which showed the actress going from a sauna directly into an icy opening in a lake in the middle of Finland’s snow.
About her experience she wrote: “Fire & Ice. An unforgettable experience where we dip into freezing ice water (-15C) after the intense heat of a sauna (80C). The feeling was absolutely euphoric! It is not easy to explain it in words; you just need to experience it!! Ice swimming is great for your health, and doing this activity with my friends made this experience even more magical.”
Elaborating on her experience with the ice bath. Alongside her friends, the actress unveiled an adventurous and derring-do side of her personality. Her inspirational video and message convey the extraordinary sensations and remarkable health benefits associated with this unique practice.