Spiralling vegetable prices have come as a shocker to denizens in Guntur city. In the last 15 days, the vegetable prices have skyrocketed by 30 per cent. Tomatoes, beans, capsicum touched Rs. 100 per kg. The prices of other vegetables like carrot and brinjal were increased from Rs. 30 per kg and Rs. 50 per kg to Rs. 80 and Rs. 70 respectively.
Meanwhile, traders have attributed the price hike to low supply due to continuous rains, which damaged crops in several acres and the rise in fuel costs. Vegetable consumption has also increased in the view of Karthika Masam when many shun non-vegetarian food.
According to a vegetable market owner: “Along with the less supply and high fuel costs, labour costs have also increased. We are left with no option but to increase the prices to cover the expenses. Especially, the supply of tomato and potato has reduced as they have to be transported from Kurnool and northern states,’’ he added.
The condition of small-scale and roadside vendors has gotten even worse. Unable to afford the prices, many of them are switching their businesses. On the other hand, the consumers are also worried.“Due to Covid-19, our financial situation has become worse and with these unbearable prices, affording good and healthy meals is becoming very challenging,’’ said a housewife.
As heavy rains continued to batter across several parts of the State, many vegetable and fruit vendors are predicting that the prices might increase further in the coming days. Looks like citizens are not just bearing the financial burden of additional hike in fuel and electricity charges in the state, but this burns a massive hole in their pockets.