TDP General Secretary Nara Lokesh has recently brought Jana Sena Party founder Pawan Kalyan and TDP Chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu onto a platform where the message for Andhra Pradesh is clear: “Choose TDP-JSP alliance or Jagan for destruction.”
Ending his Yuvagalam Padayatra on a high note, Lokesh, Pawan Kalyan and Chandrababu Naidu reflected a united message that the future of Andhra Pradesh depends on whether people want to choose governance that causes mayhem and distributes freebies bankrupting the state or a governance that provides employment and opportunities for all people to prosper.
The current political narrative that is being driven is a group of people who want Jagan to be CM or the ones who want a Better Andhra. Lokesh, in his recent speech, also flaunted a “Red Book” indicating all the names of officers who unlawfully took action, arrested and conducted raids on all TDP and JSP leaders, violating the laws in the state. The confidence that Lokesh exuded has also reinvigorated the spirit that was much required to spark the TDP cadre on ground which seemed to have gone into depression, following Chandrababu Naidu’s illegal arrest.
What Yuvagalam has shown Andhra Pradesh is the re-emergence of Nara Lokesh as a capable leader. His 4000-km Padayatra has been a journey in discovering himself. As someone who rose from the ranks of TDP from 2009, he has also learnt from his mistakes and that struggle is evident through Yuvagalam. With Y.S. Jagan government doing its best to foil his Padayatra, then pressuring him to withdraw it due to Chandrababu Naidu’s illegal arrest and later, introducing unlawful activities during his Padayatra is a testament to how Lokesh withstood the pressure.
Additionally, the current mood in the state of Andhra Pradesh is indicative of an anti-incumbency wave building against Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s government. In fact, when a wave is building, it builds in such a way where everything works in your favour – The People, The Emotion & The Power of Belief – all work together to create that win for you. For this to happen, you need to first believe it is POSSIBLE. You should have the patience to go through the lows & look up with hope. Accept your mistakes, reinvent yourself & re-emerge to work on yourself in a way where people welcome you because they’ve seen your struggle.
So, “YuvaGalam NavaSakam” has been a much-needed voyage for Lokesh and the TDP to sway along with him and recognize him as a capable leader. Hoping that the second-rung of TDP’s leadership will be stronger and lead the party to a win in Andhra Pradesh against a destructive rule of the YSRCP.